Kids' Birthday Parties: Outdoor Activities

Kids' Birthday Parties: Outdoor Activities

With some ingenuity, you can modify any of these existing games to suit your needs. If you're basing your theme on a film or TV show, for example, a thorough reading of the source material will provide plenty of inspiration. If you're going for a Blue's Clues vibe, keep in mind that Blue is always on the lookout for answers. In this way, Blue's Treasure Hunt can replace the standard Scavenger Hunt. Playing theme music at a party and reading a simplified, abridged version of the story may also be enjoyable.

Most, if not all, of these games are perfect for a kid-friendly celebration.


You'll need a lot of space and some adult eyes for this one. The kids should wear blindfolds unless they're really small or don't want to. They use a bat or stick to try to open or break a dangling container. Make sure to fill the container with treats, or the game will lose its point and become boring.

The process for doing so is really easy. Paper gorcery bags are simple to embellish with paints, Japanese paper, and other bright embellishments using only glue. Once the treats are inside, tape the lid shut. The bag should then be tied closed. However, a finer or more sophisticated version can be crafted if desired. A balloon covered in paper mache would work. What's fantastic and entertaining is that you can decorate them to fit any of your themes.

The Quest for Gold

A treasure hunt can be organized in a variety of ways. You can get creative in these ways. You may have the kids go on a coin hunt in your yard, exactly like the traditional Easter egg hunt. Each child's treat bag can be hidden, and then a clue can be given to help them locate it. If there's any chance the kid will forget, you should probably put the tip in writing.

Give Me That apple

This lively and entertaining game won't break the bank and is easy to learn. Only four apples are required. Separate the kids into halves first. Children are instructed to pass an apple around their necks to the next player in a game of "go!" without letting go of the fruit. The kids who don't follow the rule of only using their necks and chins will be eliminated.

The person at the end should use a hanky as a status symbol. When the apple reaches the final player, he or she must retain it on his or her neck while he or she races to the game master. The first team to accomplish this will win.

Cut Through the sand

Split the kids in half and have them form two lines. The first guy in line uses his bare hands to scoop sand out of a container. They must give this to the next person in line, who in turn must give it to the next person in line, and so on. The first person to get this can immediately go gather additional sand and pass it on to the next participant.

The last player receives the sand and places it in a bowl or other container. This procedure is repeated until no more time is available. Weigh the sand after this period of time has passed. The winning team is the one with the most sand.

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